When you are just starting out in FarmVille, you really have to concentrate on sowing as many crops as possible and picking them the minute they're ready. You want to prepare as much land as possible in order to earn coins and experience points fast. After all, that's the only way to advance and leverage your options for game play.
Once you've reached some of the higher levels, however, there are a lot of things you can do with your farm besides farming it. In fact, you may find that your prepared plots are becoming less and less of the focus of the farm as a whole. There's nothing wrong with this, and in fact there are some clear benefits that come from shifting your attention away from straight farming as you level up.
Okay, but where do you focus this energy then? In fact, you have a few choices, and each of those options has its own pros and cons. A lot of what you choose to do will have to do with your own personal preferences and priorities, but there are a few areas of endeavour that are worth keeping in mind.
Animals take up space and they can be fairly tedious to collect from. Dairy farms and chicken coops take away a lot of these complications when it comes to cows and chickens though. Other animals may still be awkward to keep, but the cows and the chickens can help you create a regualar income stream in no time as long as you have these structures to put them in. They make collecting easier and they take up much less space than the animals themselves would if they were left to their own devices.
Setting some space aside to erect buildings on is also a great way to develop your farm as you level up. Not only will buildings add to the visual appearance of your property, but putting them up gets you a considerable amount of experience. Some buildings are also useful for either keeping animals (as discussed above), or for storage of excess stock. Either way, though, making your farm develpoment a priority will help you level up more quickly, as well as improving the overall aesthetic quality of your property.
The higher the level you reach, the more choices you'll have for the decorations you can put up. You'll also notice that new decorations will become available depending on the season or approaching holiday. Because of this, you can really change the look of your farm with decorations depending on what mood strikes you at the time.
Also, by taking advantage of the new storage buildings available, you can switch up your farm's look by taking some items out of storage and putting others away for a later time. Plus, selling off old decorations and buying new ones is a good way to rack up some easy experience points without having to wait for the next harvesting and planting cycle.