When you first get started in FarmVille, you won't have any choice but to plant, harvest, and plow by hand. As your farm expands and you advance to new levels, however, you'll have the chance to buy some farm machinery to be able to get your farm chores done faster. This certainly sounds like a sensible thing to do, but before you head off and purchase all of the possible equipment (harvester, seeder, plow), it's better to sit down and work out if all of these items are really worth the expense in the long run.
Basic Buy Price
The first thing to keep in mind is that farm equipment doesn't come cheap. Each of the pieces of machinery available to you will run you 30,000 coins. That's a fair bit of cash, and you'll need to make sure that purchasing a seeder, for example, won't leave you without cash to purchase the seeds you want to plant with it.
Also, you probably won't be able to purchase all three pieces of equipment at once (for reasons of price and also because they're available at different levels). Because of this, though, it's important to consider which machine you'll actually use the most and buy that one first. There's nothing wrong with purchasing these vehicles as long as you're going to make good use of them.
Fuel Costs
Something else you'll need to consider when you're contemplating the purchase of some heavy farm machinery is that the cost price isn't necessarily the whole cost of the machine. Depending on the size of your farm, you'll burn your fuel pretty fast with these heavy machines – especially if you have more than one piece of equipmemt.
If your farm is larger than what your machinery can cover on one tank of fuel, then, you'll have to consider the benefits of buying more fuel. These refills come in several sizes, ranging from a single tank to fifty of them, but you can only buy them with Farm Cash. And because Farmville Cash can be pretty hard to come by, those refills get expensive awfully fast.
If your patient, you can always wait for your tank to fill up again on its own. That doesn't cost you anything, and it doesn't even really take that much time. But if you're tending to a large farm, you may quickly become annoyed waiting for your fuel to fill up before you can use your farm machinery again.
Staggered Plantings
One way to overcome this is to sow a variety of crops that all grow at different speeds. That way, you won't have to plow, plant, and harvest your whole farm at once. As long as you give your equipment enough time between operations to refuel by themselves, you'll never have to spend a cent on fuel. The only trick to this system is making sure that you're not missing out on using them when you'd like to just because you don't have any fuel. And the best way to make sure that doesn't happen is to plan your plantings well.
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