Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fateful FarmVille Pitfalls to Avoid

Getting the hang of life in FarmVille isn't all that complicated. You harvest crops, plant new ones, and buy various items and buildings at the market to pretty up your patch of land. Making progress in FarmVille isn't all that hard, but there are some definite pitfalls you should try to avoid as you move forward. Who knew there was so much strategy involved in farming?

Plowing to Plant

Of course, to make as much money as you can off of your farm, you want to clear a significant amount of land for crops. This is definitely the way to go, but you do have to be smart about it. It costs money to plow land as well as to buy the seeds to plant on it. If you use up all your money plowing extra land, you won't be able to plant on it. If you can't plant crops, you won't be able to make more money.

That's why it's important to make sure you can make use of all your available land before you start clearing more. If you plant on all of the plowed plots of land you already have first, you'll have a much better idea of how many more you'll be able to afford to clear and plant on this time around. That way, you'll get the most out of all of your available plots of land and be able to clear even more when it comes time for your next harvest.

Time Your Harvests

It can be very tempting to plant a particular type of crop that offers a good return on your investment. You won't get that return, though, if you can't get back in time to harvest your crops before they wither. When you're deciding what and when to plant, you have to take your own schedule into consideration so that you can be sure you'll be able to get back to your farm in an appropriate amount of time.

Crops mature at different rates, and they also wither at different rates. For example, a crop that takes 4 hours to mature will wither after 8 hours. A crop that takes 2 days to mature, however, will not wither for 4 days. If you think you won't be able to get back to your farm before a certain kind of crop withers, you shouldn't plant it. This can be hard because the benefits of some short-term crops can be tempting. But just remember, if your crops wither before you can harvest them, you don't get anything out of that harvest at all.

It's natural to want to advance quickly and make more money, but you have to be realistic about how much time you have to devote to your farm. Getting overambitious will usually backfire on you. If you plan you harvesting cycles right and make sure to only clear as much land as you can make use of at any given time, though, you'll be well on your way to success in FarmVille.


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