Friday, November 13, 2009

3 Keys to FarmVille Success

FarmVille is not an overly complicated game, but there is definitely more to it than you might initially expect. Especially if you've just started working on your farm, you may not be aware of some of the strategies involved in moving up quickly and building up your coin reserves. Of course, you can have fun just planting and harvesting on your own. Once you get the hang of the basic stuff though, you'll likely want to expand your horizons a bit. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you're trying to move up quickly and establish yourself as an experienced farmer in FarmVille.

Get a Lot of Neighbors

There are quite a few reasons that having a bunch of neighbors can be beneficial to you when you're playing FarmVille. Probably the most obvious one is that you'll need to have a certain number of neighbors to expand your farm when you're ready to do that. But you can also get a lot of other bonuses from your neighbors and from having certain numbers of them.

Helping out on your neighbors' farms is a great way to build up experience points and earn some extra cash. For the first 20 neighbors you help out every day, you earn 20 coins and 5 experience points, but you can only help each neighbor once a day. The more neighbors you have, then, the more you'll be able to take advantage of these types of bonuses. You'll also earn ribbons for helping your neighbors and for having a lot of them, which bring in some nice bonuses of their own.

Go For the Ribbons

As you complete your cycles of planting and harvesting, you'll naturally wind up winning some ribbons without even thinking about it. You may notice, though, that winning these ribbons brings you some hefty bonuses in terms of experience points and coins. That's why it's a good idea to put some effort into winning as many ribbons as you can. This doesn't really take much work, and you'll have a much easier time moving up in the game and building up your coin stores.

Build, Build, Build

There are a lot of options in terms of the discretionary items you can buy from the market to pretty up your farm. Not all of them are created equal, though. Particularly when you get to some of the higher levels, it becomes harder and harder to advance because of the large amounts of experience points needed to do this. You can get big chunks of experience points, though, by putting up buildings on your property. This is the best way to get your experience boosted in a hurry.

Really, the point of FarmVille is to have fun. It can get frustrating, though, if you don't take a little bit of strategy into consideration when you're making decisions about your farm. If you run out of coins, there's not much you can do in the game. It's best, then, to take a little time to focus on a few key areas of the game so that your overall experience is enhanced in the long run.


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